If Obama drops the Public Option from health care reform I will not be voting for him again.
I'm so tired of democrats being pussies and letting themselves get bullied.
The media, giving wingnuts coverage, is making
kings of these CLEARLY not all there people who shout down any dissenting opinion. That is NOT discussion. That is NOT democracy. I would go as far as to call THAT
micro-tyranny. Instead of allowing frank and honest discussion with your representatives you storm the meetings,
hijack the proceedings, and refuse to allow said representative to express their own opinions on the matter.
These people don't even represent a decent fraction of the American public! They are paranoid, misinformed, misguided, media fueled crazies led by their prophet Glen Beck. Who is a verified nutcase in his own right (yeah, I saw you
cry Beck). And because the media has NOTHING else to cover, they give the wingnuts a platform and validate every single one of them.
But why? Why lend credence to these people? YOU KNOW they have no clue what they are talking about!!! YOU KNOW IT!!! Yet instead of setting the record straight the media CONSISTENTLY fans the flames. Sure, they offer a half-assed attempt at an explanation. But what is 30 seconds spent on explaining THERE ARE NO DEATH PANELS (
Sarah Palin!!) after 5 minutes worth of footage showing people screaming about the death squads?
And where are the democrats? Are they full of righteous indignation? Are they outraged that AMERICANS are acting like this? (You know, the believers in free speech and all that jazz.) Are they launching a nationwide offensive aimed at countering the lies and misnomers spread by vile, putrid, amoral people like
Glen Beck,
Sean Hannity, and Rush
NOPE. The liberals are cowering in fear of these "protestors". They are caving in to Republican pressure despite having a majority in both the House and the Senate. Now, where have we seen this kind of backpedaling and pandering before,
Hillary? (TL;DR She caved to lobbyists from insurance companies) And now even the Liberal Saviour himself, President Barrack Obama, is considering dropping one of the MOST fundamental tenets of health care reform: The public option.
I vote Democrat for a REASON. The reason is this: All of man is deserved the same quality of life, no matter his/her class, social status, cultural background, or race. This means I believe in a social responsibility for each and every person in this country. The entire reason for this reform has (or should have) been health care for EVERYONE.
If you are retreating from this option, you will have failed me as a leader. Sure, compromise is sometimes necessary. But not ALWAYS. There are some things that some times you have to take a stand for. Sometimes you need to look deep and decide what you believe in. Upon knowing, you must be willing to plant your flag in the sand and stand your ground. No matter the cost.
If you are unable, or unwilling, to do this, you are not the man I thought I was electing to office.